Manganese Ore
Manganese ore is required in iron making to control the manganese content of the hot metal in the desired range.
The most important manganese ores are the oxides pyrolusite, romanechite, manganite, hausmannite and the carbonate ore rhodochrosite. Rhodonite and braunite, both silicate ores, are frequently found with the oxides.
Usage of Manganese Ore:
Steel, Manufacturing and other.
Most of the manganese produced is used in the form of ferromanganese and silicomanganese alloys for iron and steel manufacture. Manganese ores containing iron oxides are first reduced in blast furnaces or electric furnaces with carbon to yield ferromanganese, which in turn is used in steelmaking.
Chemical formula:
Other names:
The most important manganese ores are the oxides pyrolusite, romanechite, manganite, and hausmannite and the carbonate ore rhodochrosite
Silvery metallic